Emission Testing

Our analysts have been testing the emissions from a soldering process to identify how well the extraction process is performing in getting rid of metal fumes.

Samples were taken isokinetically by taking the flow rate of the extraction to produce an average concentration of both particulates and metals for the whole duct.


For more information or to make an enquiry please fill out the form below or live chat one of our team;

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Five things to think about when redecorating:


Redecorating your home can be an exciting process – but whether you’re freshening up the walls with a coat of paint, or you’re undertaking a large-scale renovation, there are a number of health hazards to consider.


Here are five things you should think about before undertaking any DIY projects in your home:




Asbestos is a harmful substance that is often used to insulate homes. While it’s harmless if left alone, any disturbances to the substance can cause serious health problems. If you’re planning on making any changes to your home – for example, knocking down or drilling into walls – then ensuring no asbestos is present is the first step! We offer on-site asbestos monitoring, as well as providing self-test kits so you can safely test your home before making any changes.

Lead in paint


A number of houses built before 1992 contain lead-based paint. Like asbestos, if left untouched, this is unlikely to cause any issues. If damaged or disturbed, however, it can release harmful dust. If exposed to too high a level of this, people can experience unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, insomnia and stomach aches. Our self-test kits enable you to test for the presence of lead in paint safely!


Arsenic in paint


If you live in Victorian home, there is a chance some wallpapers contain arsenic. In a similar way to lead in paint, arsenic can produce harmful dust if disturbed. If you’re concerned about arsenic in paint, it’s always safest to test before beginning any work.


This bacteria tends to live in water systems – so in the right conditions, even your shower head can be home to legionella, which could cause legionnaires disease. Regularly disinfecting shower heads and running taps for a few minutes after they have not been used for a while can help reduce risks, but it can also be found in places like gardening soils, air conditioners and humidifiers. If you’re worried about the presence of legionella, our self-test kits are safe, quick and easy to use!

Domestic heating water testing

If you’ve noticed corrosion on pipes and radiators, before you decide to replace them, it’s a good idea to find out what might be causing it in the first place. Factors such as the pH and the chemical makeup of water, among other things, can lead to corrosion. Our domestic heating water self-test kit can help you get to the root of the problem and help avoid future damage to pipes and radiators.



For any help and advice get in contact us via the form below or by telephone (01329 287777).

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What are the benefits of purchasing an air quality self-test kit?

You may have seen that here at Envirochem, we have launched a new range of self-test kits, specifically designed to help keep you safe in your own home and working environment. The new self-test kits are cost-effective, fast and easy-to-use.

When many people hear the words ‘Air Quality testing’ they usually think externally, like exhaust pollution, CO2, fossil fuels.. the list goes on! What many people don’t realise is there can be a number of chemical substances found in the air inside a property or building known as VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds), which can also be harmful.

VOC’s are common chemical contaminants that are often found in an internal environment, as gases emitted from certain solids or liquids and the concentration of many VOCs are, predictably, higher indoors than outdoors due to the ‘trapped’ environment.

Organic chemicals are widely used as ingredients in common household items like paints and varnishes, cleaning agents, sealants, glues, fuels, and combustion products. All of these products and others are capable of releasing organic compounds when you use them and also, to a certain extent, when they are stored.

To help identify these VOC’s you can use our indoor air quality self-test kit, in which you will find an SKC 575-001 indoor air quality badge in a sealed bag, detailed and easy-to-follow instructions on how to test, a sample submission form and return packaging.

If you’re concerned about the quality of the air inside your own home or workplace environment, you can order one of our self-test kits from our online shop on the Envirochem website and our expert team of staff are always on hand to answer any questions you might have and help you through the process.

Alternatively, if you feel that you cannot take your own samples for any reason, we are also able to attend site and take the samples for you and return them to our own in-house accredited Laboratory for analysis. Please live message or email us for this service.

Order your kit below or on our website https://envirochem.co.uk/shop/products



For more information or to get in touch with one of our team please fill out the form below or email us at office@envirochem.co.uk.


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Three reasons why noise monitoring matters

Three reasons why noise monitoring matters


Whether you work in the construction industry or use heavy machinery, noise monitoring matters. Staying within the legal levels for workplaces and operating in the public domain will minimise risk to your employees and your business.


Excessive noise and the law


17,000 people in the UK suffer deafness, ringing in the ears or other ear conditions caused by excessive noise at work. This is why the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 (Noise Regulations 2005) were brought in make it a requirement of employers to prevent or reduce risks to health and safety from exposure to noise at work.


Guidance on acceptable levels of noise is available on the Health and Safety Executive website[http://www.hse.gov.uk/noise/index.htm].


Why noise monitoring matters


Here are three reasons why noise monitoring matters and how you can ensure you stay within the legal guidelines:


  1. Nuisance noise

If you are working on a construction project near homes, offices or schools you are required to keep noise within strict decibel levels dependant on the time of day. Monitoring the noise being generated by your site while ensure you are within those guidelines and can respond robustly to complaints about nuisance noise.


  1. Planning applications

If you have monitored noise levels during your past construction projects you can use this data as part of planning applications for future work. Being able to prove you are compliant with noise level rules will give assurance to planning decision makers.


  1. Noise induced hearing loss

Prolonged exposure to excessive noise in the work place can have a negative impact on your employees’ hearing. Monitoring the levels of noise individuals are exposed to is an important part of your responsibility as an employer. It will enable you to introduce PPE measures to prevent hearing loss and demonstrate to employees that you are looking after them, not to mention reduce time off due to work-related illness.


Putting in place effective noise monitoring


At Environchem we offer several different noise monitoring services. We can:

  • undertake walkthrough noise surveys to assess noise levels throughout your premises
  • undertake octave band assessments that assist in the choice of noise abatement equipment or PPE
  • assess daily exposure with personal dosimeters to give you accurate data about the noise levels each individual employee is exposed to in a day.


Our team at Envirochem have 25 years of experience in the market. Get in touch with our team today to discover how our noise monitoring services can benefit your business.


For more information please call us on 01329 287 777 or fill out the form below;


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How dust sampling can save construction companies from fines?

How dust sampling can save construction companies from fines?

Dust is an unavoidable part of construction and demolition. However, processes can be put in place to reduce the amount of dust contamination and risk to the surrounding environment. Close and real-time dust sampling plays an important role in this.

Here’s how:

Dust sampling clears a construction company from wrong doing

Dust sampling proved critical for a construction company working at a hospital in Inverness[http://www.scottishconstructionnow.com/24142/contractor-cleared-causing-dust-contamination-inverness-hospital/] recently. A number of operations at the hospital had to be postponed after dust was found in the operating theatres.

Initially it was thought the dust was coming from building work happening in the hospital but testing revealed that this was not the direct source, clearing the construction company of causing the contamination and having to pay a hefty penalty.

Dust sample testing

This case study demonstrates how important it is to have real-time monitoring of dust at construction sites, both for the assurance of the client and contractor. There are a couple of different types of monitoring available:

  • Static monitors – these can be placed almost anywhere, and can collect physical samples of airborne dust particles. This data can be used to see how much dust individual site operatives are exposed to, or be analysed to determine chemical composition of airborne particles.
  • Settleable dust sampling – static samplers collect airborne dust and measure how much has gathered over a time period. Samples can also be analysed to determine their chemical composition.

At Environchem we have decades of experience in providing both types of dust sampling and monitoring to contractors. For information on our services please fill out the contact form below or call us on 01329 287 777.

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Air Quality

A documentary was recently aired on the BBC regarding air quality in urban areas.  The aim of the program was to reduce air pollution levels on one day on a highly polluted street in Birmingham. This was completed through a number of initiatives from reducing car usage and even the implementation of green infrastructure.

To test these changes a number of air quality measurements were taken before and during this event showing some brilliant results.

We have been undertaking some sampling to assess the air quality in a house next to a busy road to see how often and by how much limits are being exceeded. This primarily requires the monitoring of particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) that are some of the most harmful pollutants and linked to the use of diesel cars. This is an area where more work and monitoring is required with 40,000 deaths link to poor air quality in the UK each year.


Watch the program here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09m2djj


For information on our services please fill out the form below or call us on 01329 287 777

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Construction sites contributing towards air pollution in cities

Construction sites contributing towards air pollution in cities

It is now well understood and recognised that vehicles are a major source of air pollution in our cities. Diesels are identified as the biggest culprits with emissions of NOx (nitrogen oxides) and PM (particulate matter). The poor air quality in the UK is linked to 40,000 deaths every year.

However, recent and detailed air quality studies in the UK have identified that constructions sites are responsible for a significant portion of the total air pollution. They make up 7.5% of NOx emissions, 8% of PM10 and 14.5% of PM2.5 which is the most harmful.

This article suggests that construction sites should start treating emissions in a similar way to asbestos with tighter controls and regulation.

Read more about it here: https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/apr/20/air-pollution-construction-industry-cities-diesel-emissions-london



Envirochem offer a range of air quality surveys, for more information please call on 01329 287 777 or fill out the form below;


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‘Air Change per hour’

‘Air changes per hour’ is the number of times the air is replaced in a defined space each hour. The number of these air changes that are required for a specific space is defined by its use. For example, the HSE guidance note EH22 ‘ventilation of the workplace’ requires 8 air changes per hour with a minimum requirement of 3 air changes per hour.

Guidance also recommends an air supply of 8 litres/second per person for open plan offices and a minimum of 5 litres/second per person for air conditioned spaces.

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, regulation 5 requires that ventilation systems are appropriately maintained in an efficient state and working order. Regulation 6 requires that you ensure effective ventilation for any enclosed workplace by providing a sufficient quantity of fresh air.

We can combine an air change test within a full air quality survey for work spaces to include particulate monitoring, bio-aerosols and VOC’s as well.


For more information please call on 01329287777 or fill out the form below;

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UK Emissions Interactive Map

UK Emissions Interactive Map

Check out this interactive emissions map. You can check out what emissions are likely to be high in your area from a variety of different pollutants from NOX, PM and a variety of others.

We are capable of sampling or monitoring most of these emissions, so if you are worried that you are being exposed to high levels of pollution or you need to check that the emissions you are releasing are within the limits contact us.

Check out the interactive map here: http://naei.beis.gov.uk/data/gis-mapping


For information on all our services please call on 01329 287 777 or fill out the form below;

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Statistics from the latest HSE report on health and safety at work

Statistics from the latest HSE report on health and safety at work

Health and safety in the workplace is generally improving, however many statistics are remaining the same and still far too high. Poor occupational hygiene practice can result in the cost of work related ill health which it itself has a financial cost. It is down to both employers and employees to work together to reduce these impacts.

Here are some of the key statistics from the report:

  • 3 million working people are suffering from a work-related illness
  • 7 million working days were lost due to work-related ill health (2016/17)
  • 13,000 deaths each year are estimated to be linked to past exposures at work, primarily chemicals or dust
  • 2,542 mesothelioma deaths are due to past exposure to asbestos.
  • £14.9 billion is the estimated cost of injuries and ill health, due to current working conditions

Read more about these statistics and trends here: http://www.bohs.org/latest-health-safety-statistics-encouraging-cost-work-related-ill-health-still-high/


For any enquires of our Occupation hygiene services please call on 01329 287 777 or fill out the form below;

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