Emissions Monitoring

Recently we carried out emissions monitoring at an oil recovery facility that has the potential to release significant levels of Hydrogen Sulphide and VOCs.

Working in close proximity can be harmful to these chemicals can be dangerous, with Hydrogen Sulphide being an asphyxiant. The VOCs were analysed for each of the BTEX compounds – Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene. Each compound has a specific EH40 work place exposure limit which was compared against these results to see if levels were being breached.


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Oil mist particles in the air

Many manufacturing activities require oil based lubricants to be used as part of their process. We can test for oil mist particles in the air whilst the employee is carrying out their normal everyday works or as background checks within a workshop or area.

Within this test, we can also check the total amount of particulates the employee is being exposed to as well as any concentration of oil.

For more on this and for all our services please fill out the form below or call on 01329 287 777

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Testing for Anions which can cause – Metal degradation and rusting

An ongoing sampling project for our occupational hygiene team is to analysis six separate manufactured parts for anions, which can cause metal degradation and rusting. Within this industry, the parts are being used for submarine engines; aircraft parts etc therefore any chemical impurities can cause problems with the system, resulting in additional extra cost.

A swab sample is taken on the surface of the metal and analysed for fluoride, sulphate and chloride. This is then analysed with a blank swab, run through the IC and converted to the desired units of the client.

For more information on this and all our services please fill out the form below or call on 01329 287 777

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Envirochem offer emissions testing for stack monitoring to technical guidance notes M1 and M2 including:

  • Crematoria emmisions to process guidance note PG 5/2 (95)
  • Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) checks
  • Particulate Emissions – Isokinetic based on TGN M1 & M2
  • Solvent Emissions Testing

For more information please fill out the form below or call on 01329 287 777

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The Built Environment


We offer Chemical Analysis for the Built Environment where sensitivity is required in understanding the composition and nature of various substances:

  • UKAS accredited Lead in paint analysis
  • UKAS accredited Lead and Chromuim in paint testing
  • Anthrax or gypsum in plaster
  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in foam and polystyrene
  • Mould analysis
  • Paint layers and thickness
  • Tests for over 30 metals in paint

For more information on this and all our services please fill out the form below or call 01329 287 777

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Total Organic Carbon

Total Organic Carbon is the measure of how much organic carbon there is in a sample. TOC is often analysed by finding the total amount of carbon in a sample and then finding the ‘inorganic carbon’, the amount of carbon dioxide and carbonic acid salts, and then subtracting the IC value from the TC value. This is a requirement for WAC certificates and can give you an idea of the amount of hydrocarbons. Inert waste has a TOC limit of 3%, stable and non-reactive non-hazardous waste has a limit of 5% and hazardous waste has a limit of 6%.


For more on this please call on 01329 287 777 or fill out the form below;

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Water Effluent Suite

The most commonly requested suite of water analysis is our effluent water suite. This includes suspended solids, ammonia and biological oxygen demand (BOD) and is often carried out on the inlet and outlet sections of water treatment systems to check the efficiency of the process.

In addition to tests required to satisfy Environment Agency (EA) guidelines, we can also accommodate testing requests to meet extra guidelines set by individual local authorities, such as testing for pH, metals, anions and organics. We can also look at the particle size of the suspended solid to determine the correct size of filter needed to remove it from the water.

If you wish to contact us about this service or any of our other services please see below;

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Phosphate – Ion chromatography

Phosphate is a good compound to have in soil as it helps plants grow and is commonly found in fertiliser, its availability may govern the rate of growth of plants. We test for it using an Ion chromatography. High levels of phosphate are good for topsoil, but it does not have a limit for WACs, effluent and processed water. Phosphate is an important component in the structure of DNA, it forms the backbone of DNA by bonding with sugar molecules. Phosphate is the most soluble form of phosphorus in water.


For more information on this service and all our services please fill out the form below or call on 01329 287 777


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Personal Air testing for Silica Content

A new client works within the electromagnet industry providing parts for MRI scanners. We visited their site which contains several units moving through the process from raw metal materials to the coiled magnet itself.

A new process involves mica tapes to wrap copper metal for the magnet. We carried out personal air testing for silica content and also inhalable and respirable mica particles due to the chemical having two EH40 limits, to make sure the employee was not subjected over the workplace levels.


For more information on this service and all our other services please do not hesitate to contact us on 01329 287 777 or fill out the form below;

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Monitoring within a gas turbine engine

Last week we visited a local aircraft parts operator, to carry out monitoring within a gas turbine engine.

We carried out gases checks for carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide using our Dreager gas detector and also checked for particulates and VOCS whilst it was running.