Envirochem has completed the installation of our new Ion Chromatograph. This is part of our rolling scheme of improvement of analytical equipment. This allows us to maintain our high standards and quality of analysis.
The new Metrohm IC883 has already been subjected to and passed a mini validation and so can be used for UKAS testing of water samples for fluoride, chloride, bromide, nitrate and sulphate. It can also test for nitrite and phosphate. The ion chromatograph is also for Mcerts accredited work for chloride and sulphate in soils.
The ion chromatograph can be used in swab analyses to test surface contamination before and after cleaning works, as well as analysis of samples from occupational hygiene work for acid fumes such a s nitric acid, sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid in the workplace.
Leachate samples from Landfill Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) samples, will also run through this instrument.
The old ion chromatograph (on the left in the photo) will be utilised to run speciated phenols in waters and soil extracts. The two instruments are linked so that the same sample can be analysed for anions and phenols. We will be able to speciate and quantify common environmental phenol compounds such a creosols and chlorinated phenols.
The new software also allows the direct transfer of analysis data into our Laboratory Information Management system reducing the time taken and the chance of transcription errors.