A recent article has detailed findings of new health related problems caused through the use of a Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide(MEKP) catalyst within glass induced plastic and polyester resin production. MEKP fumes have been found to cause inflammation in the body which causes anti-immunity diseases. A client recently contacted our occupational hygiene department with concerns after reading this article, and to help them monitor whether their employees were being exposed to the compound.

Personal passive VOC badges were used to absorb any MEKP fumes that were being produced during their normal activites, over a 2-3 hour period. Each individual badge was then analysed at our Fareham based lab to detect any levels of the compound, and in doing so work out a specific individual exposure level for that employee.  Each concentration was then compared with the EH40 work place exposure limit, to detail whether the exposure was below or above the suggested concentration.

If you are also concerned over potential MEKP fumes or general fume exposure to your employees, please contact Envirochem at We can also provide expert advice if you are unsure of the type of monitor you may need specifically for your business’ production

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