
Asbestos air monitoring associated with asbestos removal and remediation was undertaken on the Fawley Power Station site on a daily basis for a duration of four years on behalf of CAPE Plc.

Demolition asbestos survey have also been undertaken of all buildings due to demolished as a consequence of the closure of the plant and the proposed decommissioning and demolition. The demolition asbestos surveys were undertaken over an eight month duration on behalf RWE npower.


Envirochem attended the site in Segensworth and alongside the site supervisor identified areas where employees could be exposed to inhalable and respirable dusts, volatile organic compounds and oil mists. Airbox sampling pumps were set up in static locations and on employees and SKC charcoal passive sampling badges were also set up on employees in areas where there is likely to be exposure to volatile organics. Oil mist filters are weighed gravimetrically and washed with cyclohexane, dried and reweighed to determine if any oil is present.   

The results of the occupational hygiene assessment can be used to inform employers as to whether specific personal protective equipment (PPE) is required for their employees to work safely in these conditions and to be used as part of a control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) assessment.

Envirochem offered an exhaustive range of asbestos air monitoring services geared specifically to meet the requirements of the project. All analytical work was carried out in accordance with HSE Guidance Note HSG 248 – Asbestos: The analysts’ guide for sampling, analysis and clearance procedures.

Daily activities included but were not limited to the following:

  • Visually inspection and smoke testing enclosures prior to the asbestos removal work commencing to assess the integrity of the enclosures and confirm that the work areas are adequately enclosed.
  • Leak air monitoring adjacent work areas whilst asbestos removal works were in progress. This was undertaken to verify that the control measures were adequate to control asbestos fibre release to the outside.
  • Personal air monitoring was conducted on operatives within work areas undertaking asbestos removal works to assess whether or not the personal exposures of workers comply with the relevant control limits and to determine the suitability of respiratory protective equipment being used.
  • Four stage clearance monitoring was undertaken upon completion of asbestos removal works to provide reoccupation certification.

For all buildings within the Fawley Power Station site that are due for demolition as a result of the closure of the plant and proposed decommissioning, demolition asbestos surveys have been undertaken on behalf of RWE npower. The demolition asbestos surveys commenced in June 2013 and were completed over an 8 month period with the final surveys being completed at the beginning of January 2014. The demolition asbestos surveys involved three teams of asbestos surveyors to fulfill the requirements of our client. To allow our client to progress with the decommissioning project, we followed a strict program of works, based on the customer needs. This involved liaising with the client closely as the project commenced and progressed, dividing the buildings into smaller sections to allow survey reports to be issued in a timely manner and formatting and tailoring the reports to the customer needs including the addition of information at their request.



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