Water Testing Services

Envirochem routinely carry out a variety of tests including: Recreational water, Drinking or Potable Water, Environmental Water, Waste or Effluent Water….

Testing  for coliform bacteria and E.coli are the most important routine microbiological analysis carried out on drinking water. These tests provide a sensitive means for detecting faecal contamination, for assessing raw water quality, the effectiveness of water treatment and disinfection, and monitoring water quality in distribution.


For this service and all our services please call on 01329 287 777 or  please fill out the form below;

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Don’t be at risk

Don’t get caught, have your Legionella under control with our routine UKAS Accredited analysis.

Check the latest article of legionnaires disease.

For all our Legionella and other Microbiological services please call on 01329 287 777 or fill out the form below;


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Asbestos Fibre Identification in accordance with our UKAS accreditation and HSG 248.

Envirochem offers a competitive Asbestos Fibre Identification service returning results by email within 24 hours in most cases.

In the United Kingdom, the three most common forms of asbestos are chrysotile (white), amosite (brown) and crocidolite (blue). They are found in common building materials such as insulation board panels, spray coating, bonded cements, gaskets, insulation, textured coatings and vinyl flooring.

Samples can be delivered to our laboratory, or collected by our analysts.

An Asbestos Fibre Identification certificate is produced for each batch of samples analysed, which is available most commonly in PDF format via email.

Please fill out the form below for more information or call on 01329 287 777


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Water Analysis – Effluent water suite

The most commonly requested suite of water analysis is our effluent water suite. This includes suspended solids, ammonia and biological oxygen demand (BOD) and is often carried out on the inlet and outlet sections of water treatment systems to check the efficiency of the process.

In addition to tests required to satisfy Environment Agency (EA) guidelines, we can also accommodate testing requests to meet extra guidelines set by individual local authorities, such as testing for pH, metals, anions and organics. We can also look at the particle size of the suspended solid to determine the correct size of filter needed to remove it from the water.

If you wish to contact us about this service or any of our other services please see below;

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Expanding our UKAS Accreditation

Envirochem are pleased to announce that we have applied to expand our UKAS accreditation of metals in soil to include mercury, molybdenum, selenium, thallium and vanadium. The method used to produce this data combines our previously accredited microwave digestion method for lead and chromium in paint and accredited analysis using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry.

We can also analyse for metals in a range of other sample types including water, oil and concrete.

To contact Envirochem regarding our services please fill in the form below

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Phosphine Analysis at Envirochem

We were recently provided with samples for phosphine analysis, which had been sampled on a charcoal tube. We were able to employ a documented method, which used hydrogen peroxide to oxidise the phosphine to phosphate. This was then analysed using ion chromatography. A similar method has also been employed to analyse for sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide.

If you would like to contact Envirochem regarding our services, please fill out the attached form

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Envirochem’s New Microbiology laboratory

We are excited to announce the expansion of our Microbiology department. The image above shows a section of our new laboratory, we offer a wide array of microbiological analyses including tests for Legionella, E.coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Total coliforms.

Water samples that are sent to Envirochem come from a variety of sources, for example: drinking and potable water, recreational water such as pools and spas and many more.

If you would like to inquire or learn more about our Microbiology department and services please fill in the attached form or call us on 01329 287 777

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Envirochem Now Holds UKAS Accreditation For Lead And Chromium In Paint

We are excited to announce that our laboratory is now UKAS accredited for Lead (Pb) and Chromium (Cr) in paint testing.

If you would like to read more about this please fill in the attached form or call Envirochem’s chemical department on 01329 287 777

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